Wednesday, December 11, 2013

that's a wrap

I don't know about you, but I often find myself thinking about Newtown as we approach the one year anniversary. My heart is breaking all over again.  And, as I mentioned last year, I find it important to thank all of the significant people that are in my children's life, especially around the holidays. It need not be a gift, a note of appreciation is often more meaningful.

This year for all of the special teachers, secretaries, the nurse and principal at my children's school I ordered these glittered letter ornaments from Pottery Barn.  I packaged them in red gift card holder boxes.  I  also ordered these custom cards from Jessica at Tulaloo.  The inside reads "Wishing you Christmas Blessings from A-Z!" I attached them to the box with some dark green grosgrain ribbon.

And, for our bus driver, I found a cute sandwich sized lunch box and tucked a gift certificate into it for lunch on us! We are so thankful that he keeps our children safe on the way to and from school each day.

And for my daughter's religious ed teacher I usually give some sort of an ornament. This year it's an angel ornament and I tied on some chocolate angels to the package.


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