Wednesday, July 31, 2013

that's a wrap

Today is my dad's 89th birthday!!!!  It's always hard to find presents for men, but especially for older men who don't "need" anything.  My dad has fond memories of his grandfather taking him into town to "paint the town red"  at the local five and dime, so that was the inspiration for his birthday gift. I filled a paint can with some gift certificates to local shops in town: one to the bookstore, one to the ice cream shop, and even one to the package store!  I used a paint sample as the card and I hope he has fun doing some shopping for things he wants. My dad is an amazing person, who at 89, still rows in a shell on the lake where my parents live.  This is a photo I took with my phone last summer of my children watching him row.  It's one of my favorites.

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  1. That is an amazing photo! It could win a prize. Love the present you made for your dad. So sweet. He sounds like an amazing person.

  2. I love this idea, and what a great photo!

    Your father is amazing (both your parents are, really) and remains an inspiration to me. BFS was my history teacher and crew coach at school. I want to take the opportunity to thank you for sharing your parents with so many students over the decades.

    1. Thank you so much for your sweet comment, Cynthia. I have often heard your name from my parents. I just called my dad to read him your sweet comment and he was touched. SO happy to share them with everyone. They are the best and deserve to be shared with everyone! Thanks for stopping by my blog.



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